Michelle Pepin

Picking Up the Pieces...
My daughter and I created a Facebook page named Picking Up the Pieces in the hopes that it will give those who have been affected by the opioid epidemic a place to unite. I lost my son, Ian, on April 20, 2018 to a deadly combination of Fentanl, Carfentanyl, and Methamphetamine. My son was never a meth user and we were led to believe that he overdosed on heroin.
We were wrong, once we received the toxicology report we found that cause was not the case at all. The loss of our son was devastating and we knew that something had to be done. His death is now being treated as a homicide and currently under investigation.
As time went on, I started to join groups to help deal with grief. I chose to utilize by pain for the good of others. I became involved within the community volunteering at different events associated with recovery. Lucky for me, I had experience. My daughter just celebrated 9-years of sobriety this past September (2023). She's seen the worst, and she's seen the very best. To watch her grow into the person she is today is absolutely amazing.
I wanted to created a safe support team so my daughter and I made "Picking Up the Pieces." Our primary goal is to reach out to the community and offer support, resources, and inform those who don't know anything about that is really going on in the streets. It is also a place where we can connect with one another and share our experiences.
As a mother who lost her son, I feel that it is my duty to bring awareness to those who may think that this won't happen to them. I was that person.
Founder: Michelle Pepin
January 21, 2020